
Bussiness Plan

1. Executive summary
We think that our idea is very exclusive, because not many people have started
this specific project before, it is true that in these moments there are more associations
doing very similar things, for example, to build shelters for the poorest people, to give a
shorter rental (only have to pay the basic needs), and other alternatives.
But our project is not focused on all the poor people, but is focused only on the
squatters, the people who occupy other houses that aren’t theirs. For this reason, we
believe that our project is different and exclusive compared with the other projects like
This project it’s aimed to the squatters who want to change their lifestyle. They
want to live like ordinary people, they want to have a job to keep their economy and
achieve a kind of security and stability in their lives. We will assign a house and these
people will be able to live better.
The size of market is reduced because our project is aimed to the squatters and
the owners of their houses, specifically for them.
The competitive environment is not very definite because nobody can carry out
our project in our city, but it is true that there are more people doing similar things, like
a facility hostels, make shelters...
To do the project is necessary that more people raise money, either in grants or with
the contribution of the Town Hall. We would need enough money to cover the basic
needs of the squatters and almost no more things because the squatters who stay in
the house would have to work (which we facility) and earn some money to keep the
house and achieve an economical stability.
The major steps of our project are the squatters who want to live their miserable
lives they have, and can go ahead with dignity. Another important aspect is that the
owners of the houses occupied return to their homes. The last important thing is to
separate the families to whom we give the house because a ghetto may appear.
Our objectives are to build a type of circle: In the first place, the squatters would
leave the house that are occupying and we would give them another house to live
definitely, until they get a job and have enough money to rent a house or even buy their
own house. On the other hand, as the squatters are living in these houses, the owners
would return to their houses.

2. Product description and distinctive value
The organization offers a free service to the most disadvantaged people in this
society, people who had jobs and now they have not because of the crisis and as a
result, they have been left homeless.
With this organization, we aim to help such people through the council that
provides homes for some reason have been released and we will deliver it to such
families, they, in turn, should provide social services, also have their free time to try to
find work and stay in this house a certain period of time. If they found this house work
would be transferred to another family in need.
This idea came about because we have seen many people begging on the
street, families left without their own home and there are more people like these. We
then realized that their need was so serious that everyone is entitled to a home;
therefore, we decided to help.
This project is addressed to all the families who once had a home and now
have lost it and can continue with a normal life and that their children grow up, become
educated in a normal environment, out of crime and marginalization.
As for any competition to get a home made homeless families and we believe
that in exchange for work and solidarity will make life for others better. We have to take
into account the cooperation of the public and the people to whom it is addressed.

3. Potential market and rivalry
3.1 Potential market
To develop this point we have relied on various articles published in the news:
- Information-Journal May 7, 2013: "The unemployed without benefits in the region for
the first time exceeded the 50% barrier.
- Information Journal February 9, 2013: "Alcoy only has 30 social houses to meet
nearly 400 applicants”.
- Argos-portal: Statistics housing Alcoy.
- Argos-portal: Statistics working in Alcoy .
- Page 66-June 6, 2013. Graph of the evolution of unemployment in Alcoy.
- Interview with Luis Molina, personnel officer of the municipality of Alcoy.
According to our sources, in 2013 the unemployed without benefits outweigh
the Shire for the first time the 50% barrier. A total of 9,325 people came to meet without
any receivable subsidy, Alcoy being the town in which more unemployed suffered this
In recent times the numbers have become worse, from a coverage rate of 60%
in 2010 to 54.27 % in 2011 and 50.28 % in 2012.
As a result, the demand for social housing has skyrocketed, more and more
families that do not have enough resources to buy a home or stop paying rent existed.
In Alcoy there are about 400 families awaiting the delivery of a flat, but for more
than two years ago there has not been any delivery. The supply of homes is very
limited, as the IUUSA has only 17 floors and the City 13. The problem is that had to be
repaired and the lack of resources makes it difficult.
The town intends to join a project that involves using empty homes from banks.
The housing census Alcoy indicates that 2011 had 6,606 empty. These data indicates
that our project can be very successful, because the potential number of people
interested prospects is high and there, unfortunately, that continues going up.
3.2 Rivalry
Because of the social nature of the project, we can not consider competition to entities
that have the same objective as ours; on the other hand, we would be talking about
allies in a common project.

4. Marketing strategy, sales and customer acquisition
The only activity such housing is provided by the municipalities and some
associations. The current situation makes people distrust all politicians for most people
they are mean people that are only moved by money.
Therefore, we believe that a company formed by young people like us, that has
nothing to do with politics , can give confidence and make people come to us in need
without any suspicion.
Marketing strategy as they are people with few resources we thought that
launching the Internet is not very appropriate, since most of them do not have
computers. We believe that the launch campaign will have to be done using the
associations that are in contact with these “homeless” as the Red Cross and Caritas.
Also, we go to parishes and make its members involved in the project. As an
advertising campaign would be very expensive, only we would use anyway
informational posters that we could do with catchy phrases. Encourage the homeless
who want to change their lifestyle. “If you're desperate and do not have a home, we
can help”
As our company is not intended to make money, we have provided a financial
plan where there are no benefits, but for all that they use in the project. As we know it
will be difficult to get grants from the council or other bodies, we thought that the
revenue comes from donations mostly from individuals. Lately we have seen with
admiration and solidarity is bigger than ever and we will want the largest possible
number of people in solidarity with our project.

Donations from
individuals and
Grant Hall and
Total revenue.
1st YEAR 9.000€ 1.000€ 10.000€
2nd YEAR 14.000€ 3.000€ 17.000€
Light (3
Water (3
households households products.
1 year) and 1 year) and
(6 flats 2
(6 flats 2
Food for Total
basic expenses.
1st YEAR 3.000€ 1.000€ 500€ 500€ 5.000€ 10.000€
2nd YEAR 3.000€ 2.000€ 1.000€ 1.000€ 10.000€ 17.000€
Total revenue. Total expenses. Benefit.
1st YEAR 10.000€ 10.000€ 0
2nd YEAR 17.000€ 17.000€ 0
Revenue forecast:
1st year:
- Donations from individuals and businesses.......................................................
- Grant Hall and
- TOTAL REVENUE.........................................................................................
2nd year:
- Donations from individuals and businesses.......................................................
- Grant Hall and
- TOTAL REVENUE........................................................................................
Estimated expenditure:
1st year:
- Building materials for reforms...............................................................
- Light (3 households 1 year)..............................................................
- Water (3 households 1 year) .........................................................................
- Cleaning products............................
- Food for basic needs.....................................................................................
- TOTAL EXPENSES...........................................................................
2nd year:
- Building materials for
- Light (3 households 1 year)..................................................
- Water (3 households 1 year)
- Cleaning products.....................................
- Food for basic needs...........................................
- TOTAL EXPENSES............................
Income statement:
1st year:
-Total revenue...............................................................................10.000€
-Total expenses..............................................................................10.000€
2nd year:
-Total revenue...............................................................................17.000€
-Total expenses.............................................................................15.000€

6. Management team and organization
Local: Equipment Directive and the organization.
Our project consists of three pupils who are studiying in La Salle Alcoy and the
people who can join us as volunteers.
Pablo Vercet: technician and video maker and the blog designer. He has a depp
knowledge of computers and this is very important to carry out the project on the
It aims to develop and evaluate the goals we want to accomplish.
Santi Belda: He is the person that monitors the work, organizes and works as a
spokesperson to spread the message clearly Squatters Alcoy.
His objective is to carry out responsibilities as a manager of this project.
Elías Doménech: He is the responsible for the financial activities must clearly
manage accounts (expenses, income ...) and to act as commercial director.
His purpose is determined strategies and financial operations of the company. He
analyzes the results and financial decisions of the company, to ensure the best
performance of company resources.

7. State development and implementation plan
We have realized that we have some economical losses the first year. First, we
thought about having all the "squatters" in the same house, or in nearby houses, but
not because they can generate a "ghetto". For this, the council has distributed several
houses around the city. Before leaving to move into the "squatters" we have to see if
they are problems or not, all this has to be done previously. People will be poor in the
first few months and we will have to pay all the expenses and lose money, but then
they will have to help the society and look for a job. Little by little we will be recovering
and gaining profits. Over time there will be more losses, and subsidies will have to help
us more. Also every day we will have a better understanding of the people from Alcoy
and the region. The hard part is getting started.

8. Strategic alliances
The main contributor that we will have will be from the town hall of Alcoy. We have not
other partners but we accept all suggestions and aid, both as volunteers of similar
entities to ours. The Town hall can give us the information of the people who are now
homeless, and then after the previous interview, we will house people who deserve it.
This project can attract many people to help, this would facilitate us much homework.
For help, we are committed to help other institutions seeking to improve our town. If we
all help each other, I think it will improve before Alcoy and be a decent city in which to
live. Cooperation is essential.

9. Key Risks
-People do not donate money, and the council provides less subsidies.
-Shortage of properties for homeless people.
-Increase in the number of homeless families.
-Those families are reluctant to leave the house.

10. Legal aspects
-Starting with our charity:
As our project progresses, a charity, we have to be informed about all the tax
advantages that while these families are in the situation of our help, we reached an
agreement with the council that will exempt at checkout:
* The property tax (IBI). Assessed value of real and personal property and periodic
* Exemption from corporation tax (IT) companies taxed benefits.
* Exemption from equity transfer and any other documented legal act.
Health conditions:
One of the most important points to consider has to keep the place clean and also have
a commitment of the people. We will try to give our best.

11. Environmental impact and sustainability
The waste generated daily by dwelling houses shall be collected by them. One
of the conditions for living in a home provided by the Town Hall is recycled. Another
elemental thing is to spend energy by saving light bulbs and this will save high energy

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